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How To Use Guardian Database For TrustLine

Agencies who have created an account with TrustLine, will be given access to have an agency account in the Guardian database, in order to assist them in the TrustLine Background Check process. 

After Guardian account activation,  agencies can then use Guardian for a number of actions, including:

  • Initiate a TrustLine application on behalf of applicants and generate pre-populated Live Scan forms to provide to applicants or give applicants access to Guardian to create their profile and submit their application.
  • Receive paperless communication, via email notifications, from CDSS
  • Have the ability to view the background check results.

If you have already contacted TrustLine to create your agency account, and are ready to proceed, please review the training videos below on how to use Guardian.

Guardian 101 Video Video Clips
simple icon of a question mark
What Are Some Features of a Guardian Agency Account
  1. Access to view your roster of employees
    You will be able to log into Guardian, and see the applicants associated with your agency. You will see if applicants are Registered or Closed with TrustLine, or if they have a "Not Yet Submitted" application, which needs to be submitted.
  2. Ability to submit applications and pay processing fee online
    Agencies have the ability to submit TrustLine application on behalf of applicants and generate pre-populated Live Scan forms to give to applicants. Agencies also have the ability to pay the application processing fee for applicants online, or pay for multiple applicants at a time by making a batch payment.
  3. See Background Check results 
    When you log into your Guardian agency account, you will be able to see the Background Check results for applicants associated with your agency.

Video Overview of Guardian

In this Guardian 101 video you will learn:

  • How to activate Your Guardian Account
  • Reset Your Guardian Password
  • Add a New User to An Existing User Account
  • Unlock (enable) A User Account
  • How to Disable A User Account

Please keep in mind, the final section “Navigating the At-A-Glance Dashboard” refers to a dashboard system that Guardian does not currently have enabled for agencies. It is not necessary for you to use the Guardian system, and can be disregarded for now.

Things to know when using Guardian:
  1. Applicants must have a valid email address to register their Guardian account, receive their prepopulated Live Scan form and submit their background check documents via Guardian.
  2. Applicants and agencies must have access to a printer to print the pre-populated Live Scan form in Guardian.
  3. The Live Scan form will not generate until the application processing fee is paid, by either the agency or the applicant.
  4. Fingerprints must still be scanned in person by a Live Scan vendor. Live Scan locations take appointments or walk- ins, depending on the location. Live Scan Locations can be found at:

Helpful Video Clips

Short video clips of often used actions