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How to Apply

Individual Providers

An illustration of a happy adult and child on a heart shaped background

Nanny, babysitter, doula, night nurse, professional supervised visitation monitor, or caregiver not required to be licensed to provide care, please see the flow chart below for detailed instructions on how to apply to the TrustLine Background Check.


If you are applying to TrustLine and fall into one of the categories below:

  1. Live in a state other than California.
  2. Getting paid for the child care through a child care subsidy from a local social service agency, or county welfare department.
  3. Being requested by an agency to apply, in which case you will need to get the application and instructions directly from that agency.

Then the flow chart below will not apply to you. You can read more information here.

An illustration of a happy adult and child on a heart shaped background

Overview of Application Process

You can either apply by submitting your application and paying the processing fee on the online database, Guardian, or you can apply by mailing in a paper application along with a check or money order. 

When you request a TrustLine Application, you will receive either the Applicant Initiated Instruction form with PIN number for the online process, or the TrustLine paper application (TLR9163G) for the mail-in process.

Online Application Process

Steps to Apply

This process uses the Applicant Initiated Instruction Form

  1. Request the TrustLine Background Check application (click link below or call 800-822-8490)
  2. Create your profile on Guardian: You will receive an Applicant Initiated Instruction Form, with a PIN number on it. The form will tell you how to create a Guardian profile. 
  3. Enter your application information In your Guardian profile: Pay the processing fee and submit your application
  4. Print the Live Scan Form from your Guardian profile
  5. Get fingerprinted: Bring the Live Scan Form with you to a Live Scan site to have your fingerprints scanned directly to the Department of Justice. Live Scan fingerprints can be done at a police or sheriff station, a UPS store that does Live Scan, or Live Scan Locations can be found at:

You do not need to mail anything in.

For extra tips about the online application process,  read our Tip Sheet For Applicants Applying Online (PDF).

Watch A Video Of How to Submit Your Application Online

Mail-In Application Process

Steps to Apply

This process uses the TrustLine Paper Application (TLR9163G)

  1. Request the TrustLine Background Check application (click link below or call 800-822-8490)
  2. Fill out the paper application, (form TLR9163G)
  3. Bring the  TLR9163G with you to a Live Scan site to have your fingerprints scanned. The Live Scan operator will sign off in Section 7 of the TLR9163G. Live Scan fingerprints can be done at a police or sheriff station, a UPS store that does Live Scan, or Live Scan Locations can be found at:
  4. Mail-In the application, and a check or money order for the application processing fee, made out to the California Department of Social Services. Send it to the address in Section 3 of the application

More Information

Instructions for those who should not use the flow chart application process

If you live in a state other than California, you will need to follow the mail-in application process. You are not able to apply online, as you will need to use an FD-258 fingerprint card to submit ink-rolled fingerprints manually, and you will need to mail in the fingerprint card along with your application.

Your first step is to request an out-of-state application packet from TrustLine. Once you’ve received the application packet and fingerprint card in the mail, please go to your local police department or sheriff’s office and have your fingerprints ink rolled on the card. You will then mail in the application and FD-258 card with a check or money order for $125.00. 


Please do not request the TrustLine Background Check application from us - you must get the application from the agency that is requiring or requesting that you apply. Each agency uses coded applications that have the agency's specific coding on them. Once you receive your TrustLine application from the agency, if you need any information about the application process, you can follow the flow chart process above.


If you’re a child care provider who is getting paid for the child care through a child care subsidy from a local social service agency, or county welfare department, you must get the TrustLine Background Check application  directly from the parent’s worker. You cannot apply online. The agency you are working with to apply will let you know where to return the TrustLine application, and that agency is responsible for submitting your application to TrustLine.